Terms & Conditions



Use of the SGC-USA Web store implies customer acceptance of the Terms and Conditions.

The SGC-USA Web store is intended to be used by residents of the United States and its territories, possessions, protectorates and selected international countries. The customer agrees to comply with all applicable laws. Be aware that federal law restricts the sale of firearms to citizens under age 18 (21 for pistols and revolvers). Many other federal, state, and local restrictions also apply to the sale, ownership, use and storage of firearms. In general, you may not purchase a firearm if you are a minor, a convicted felon, a fugitive from justice, a person convicted of a misdemeanor crime of violence, under a domestic restraining order, are addicted to drugs or a habitual drug user, have been dishonorably discharged from the Armed Forces, are not a citizen of the United States or have ever renounced your citizenship. In addition, many states impose additional restrictions and qualifications upon prospective firearms purchasers. There are over 30,000 firearms laws presently in effect across the nation. Please contact your local law enforcement for further details or you may visit the BATF website at http://www.atf.gov/firearms/statelaws/22edition.htmand request their current publication, “State Laws and Published Ordinance – Firearms.”

The SGC-USA Web store may contain advertisements for or information about third-party providers of information, services and products and/or links to their websites. Such advertisements, information and links shall not be construed as approval or endorsement of such vendors or their websites.

The availability of the SGC-USA Web store is subject to periodic downtime for maintenance and repairs and is subject to interruption due to causes beyond our reasonable control including computer viruses, failure of telecommunication links and failure of Internet infrastructure. The customer acknowledges and agrees that SGC-USA and its parent company shall not be responsible for any interruptions of the availability of this Web store. The customer also acknowledges and agrees that the content of this Web store is proprietary to SGC-USA and is protected by U.S. and international copyright laws, trade secret laws, trademark laws and other laws.

Notification of Changes

Should SGC-USA decide to change any content on our Web site, we will immediately post those changes so our users are always aware of any revisions. While we make every effort to assure the accuracy of the content within this website, and due to periodic changes in product manufacturing, we reserve the right to apply necessary revisions where warranted, including, but not limited to, product description and pricing. Prices and availability subject to change without notice. Due to the SGC-USA web store’s low prices and high volume of sales, the possibility exists that your item might be out of stock. If this is the case, your order will be placed in a sequential queue and filled in that order once a re-stocking occurs.

Customer’s Legal Obligations

Each customer agrees to abide by and be subject to the SGC-USA web store’s rules and policies when placing an order. The products displayed on this web site are legal to sell in certain political areas, but are not legal to be possessed or shipped to other areas. Items displayed on this web site are NOT OFFERED FOR PURCHASE IN COUNTRIES, STATES, OR OTHER POLITICAL AREAS IN WHICH SUCH SALE WOULD BE ILLEGAL. Any potential customer is responsible for compliance with any local law regarding purchase, possession, use, and misuse of these products.

By purchasing any product displayed on the SGC-USA web store, the customer asserts that he/she holds the seller harmless for any use of any product displayed. It is the responsibility of the customer (not the seller) to ascertain and obey any and all applicable local, state and federal laws in regard to purchase, possession and/or use of any item displayed on this web site. SGC-USA reserves the right to cancel orders arising from pricing or other errors due to circumstances beyond our control.

Policy on Tax Exempt Purchases

Purchasing for Resale: If a customer is purchasing product for the purposes of resale WITHIN THE STATE OF ARIZONA they do not pay tax on the item. The end user is responsible for paying tax. SGC-USA will request a faxed or mailed copy of two documents from a customer in order to complete a sale as tax exempt. The first document is a copy of the TPT (Transaction Privilege Tax) License. The second is the Arizona Form 5000, filled out completely. Under reason for exemption, box #1 must be checked. *If the item purchased is a firearm, SGC-USA will also request a copy of the customer’s FFL number.

Tax Exempt Entity: If a customer states that they are not purchasing items for resale, but they are in fact tax exempt, SGC-USA needs a faxed or mailed exemption form from the Arizona Department of Revenue.

Out of State Sales: Out of state sales (any state other than Arizona) are exempt from sales tax. The customer’s “ship to” address must be an out of state address.